Four SPH Members Honoured with the HKU Excellence Awards 2017


A total of four members of the School of Public Health, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine of The University of Hong Kong (HKU), were awarded the HKU Excellence Awards this year. The annual awards aim to honour outstanding faculty members who have made exceptional contributions in teaching, research and knowledge exchange, and are a celebration of the diverse range of disciplines and specialisations at the University.

The School extends our heartiest congratulations to Professor Benjamin Cowling, Professor and Division Head of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, and Professor Leo Poon, Professor and Division Head of Public Health Laboratory Sciences, for being awarded the Outstanding Researcher Awards (ORA). The two awardees received their awards at the HKU Excellence Awards Presentation Ceremony 2017 held on 26 March 2018 at the Rayson Huang Theatre.

Our warmest commendation is also extended to Professor Gabriel Leung, Dean of the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, and Dr Joseph Wu, Associate Professor, whose paper entitled “Fractional dosing of yellow fever vaccine to extend supply: a modelling study” as published in The Lancet (link to the publication) was bestowed the Research Output Prize (ROP).

For highlights of the Award Presentation Ceremony, please visit

Professor Paul K H Tam (left), HKU Acting President and Vice-Chancellor, presented the Outstanding Researcher Award to Professor Benjamin Cowling (right).

Professor Leo Poon (right) was awarded the Outstanding Researcher Award.

Professor Benjamin Cowling (2nd row, 6th from left) and Professor Leo Poon (2nd row, 4th from left), together with other awardees, took a group photo with Professor Paul K H Tam, HKU Acting President and Vice-Chancellor, and Dr the Honourable Sir David Li Kwok Po, Pro-Chancellor, at the HKU Excellence Awards Presentation Ceremony 2017.
