


  • MA (Pure Maths & Medieval History), MSc (Operational Research), MSc (Statistics), PhD (Epidemiology)

舒菱是英國倫敦大學學院流行病學博士,曾於IBM擔任資訊科技及營運研究,2002年加入香港大學公共衞生學院 ,擔任兼職教學助理。舒菱博士現是美國紐約市立大學亨特學院公共衞生學系教授、《PLoS ONE》編委會成員之一,以及由BMJ 出版的《Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health》的副主編。

舒菱博士在公共衞生領域主要研究非傳染病,具體包括:一、透過進化生物學的方法,探討病因; 二、針對華南地區獨有的特徵,剖析主要可變因素(如酒精、飲食、肥胖、體力活動和母乳餵哺)對非傳染病的影響; 三、透過東方和西方國家之間的差異,找出促進人口健康的新原因。舒菱博士的研究方法主要為追蹤研究,相關研究項目包括「九七的兒女」、長者健康服務追蹤研究,以及廣州生物庫追蹤研究。 廣州生物庫追蹤研究以創新的方法進行,如孟德爾隨機法。


  1. Luo S, Au Yeung SL, Zhao JV, Burgess S, Schooling CM, The association of genetically predicted testosterone with thromboembolism, heart failure and myocardial infraction: a Mendelian randomization study using the UK Biobank,BMJ, in press
  2.  Schooling CM, Tachykinin neurokinin 3 receptor antagonists: a new treatment for cardiovascular disease? Lancet, 2017 Aug 12;390 (10095):709-711 [link]
  3. Au Yeung SL, Luo S, Schooling CM. The Impact of Glycated Hemoglobin (HbA(1c)) on Cardiovascular Disease Risk: A Mendelian Randomization Study Using UK Biobank. Diabetes Care. 2018 Sep;41(9):1991-1997
  4. Kodali HP, Pavilonis BT, Schooling CM, Effects of copper and zinc on ischemic heart disease and myocardial infarction: a Mendelian randomization study. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2018 Jul 3 [link]
  5. .Au Yeung SL, Jiang CQ, Long MJ, Cheng KK, Liu B, Zhang WS, Lam TH, Leung GM, Schooling CM, Evaluation of moderate alcohol use with QT interval and heart rate using Mendelian randomization analysis among older Southern Chinese men in the Guangzhou Biobank Cohort Study, American Journal of Epidemiology 2015;182:320-7 AJE Paper of the year [link]
  6. Xu L, Freeman G, Cowling BJ, Schooling CM, Testosterone therapy and cardiovascular events among men: a systematic review and meta-analysis of placebo-controlled randomized trials, BMC Medicine 2013;11(1):108 [link]
  7. Schooling CM, Au Yeung SL, Freeman G, Cowling BJ, The effect of statins on testosterone in men and women, a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, BMC Medicine, 2013:Feb 28;11:57 [link]
  8. Schooling CM, Freeman G, Cowling BJ, Mendelian Randomization and estimation of treatment efficacy for chronic diseases, American Journal of Epidemiology, 2013;177:1128-33 – AJE Paper of the year [link]
  9. Schooling CM, Leung GM, A socio-biological explanation for social disparities in non-communicable chronic diseases – the product of history? Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2010;64(11):941-9 [link]
  10. Schooling CM, Lam TH, Li ZH, Ho SY, Chan WM, Ho KS, Tham MK, Cowling BJ, Leung GM. Obesity, physical activity and mortality in a prospective Chinese elderly cohort, Archives of Internal Medicine, 2006; 166 1498-504 [link]