Short Courses


The School of Public Health of the University of Hong Kong offers short courses in public health each year in collaboration with internationally renowned scholars and local experts. Individuals interested in a special area of public health are welcome to join and gain an interactive, challenging and rewarding postgraduate learning experience. Participants who have successfully completed a course may be awarded CME/CPD points or advanced credit should they wish to enroll in the Master of Public Health.


Click HERE to apply

*Not all the courses are offered each year. Interested parties please contact us for the up-to-date schedule and details.

Course Code Course Name
 CMED6020  Advanced statistical methods I
 CMED6030  Advanced epidemiological methods I
 CMED6040  Advanced statistical methods II
 CMED6050  Advanced epidemiological methods II
 CMED6100  Introduction to biostatistics
 CMED6104  Emerging infectious diseases and "one health"
 CMED6105  Infectious diseases in public health
 CMED6108  Molecular epidemiology: microbial genetics and evolution
 CMED6109  Accounting and financial management in health care 
 CMED6200  Introduction to epidemiology
 CMED6201  Principles of public health
 CMED6202  The practice of public health 
 CMED6203  Measurement in health
 CMED6204  Health and society
 CMED6207  Non-communicable disease epidemiology and control
 CMED6208  Risk: perception, decisions and communication        
 CMED6210  Infectious disease modelling
 CMED6211  Infectious disease epidemiology
 CMED6216  Personalised public health
 CMED6217  Qualitative health research
 CMED6218  Human health: futures in a globalized world
 CMED6220  Health informatics
 CMED6227  Biological basis of disease
 CMED6228  Field epidemiology
 CMED6230  Epidemic and endemic diseases
 CMED6231  Emergency medicine for disaster and humanitarian crises responders
 CMED6232  Infectious Outbreaks and Disasters
 CMED6300  Intermediate epidemiology
 CMED6401  Advanced clinical epidemiology and decision analysis
 CMED6704  Health behaviour and communication
 CMED6900  Health policy and politics
 CMED6901  Health leadership and management
 CMED6902  Health economics
 CMED6903  Resources for health
 CMED6907  Perspectives in health care management
 CMED6909  Comparing systems of elder care
 CMED6910  Strategies in health care
 CMED6912  Environmental health hazards and interventions


Click HERE to apply
