
- MBBS, FRCPath, D Phil (Oxon), FHKAM (Path), FRCP, FRS
裴教授領導的研究團隊於2003年發現新型冠狀病毒為引致非典型肺炎的病原體,此重大發現對該疾病的診斷、病理和控制方面起關鍵作用。至於對抗動物流感病毒病的工作,裴教授亦貢獻良多;他曾代表世衞,調查在沙特阿拉伯爆發的中東呼吸綜合症及到中國研究H7N9禽流感。目前,他的團隊正在研究新型冠狀病毒所引致的2019冠狀病毒大流行(COVID-19 pandemic)。
裴教授在國際科學期刊上發表逾800篇同行評審的研究,文章被引用超過76,000次。為表彰他的研究貢獻,他於2006年當選倫敦皇家學會院士;2007年在馬來西亞科學研究院獲馬哈蒂爾科學獎;2008年獲頒香港銀紫荊星章;2009年獲俄羅斯醫學科學院D.I.Ivanovsky 病毒學研究所頒發「病毒學 100 年」勛章; 2017年榮獲法國榮譽軍團軍官勛章及被選為美國國家科學院外籍院士;2021年獲約翰‧狄克斯加拿大蓋爾德納基金會全球衞生獎。
- Peiris JSM, Lai ST, Poon LL, Guan Y, Yam LY, Lim W, Nicholls J, Yee WK, Yan WW, Cheung MT, Cheng VC, Chan KH, Tsang DN, Yung RW, Ng TK, Yuen KY. Coronavirus as a possible cause of severe acute respiratory syndrome. Lancet. 2003; 361:1319-25.
- Peiris JSM, Chu CM, Cheng VCC, Chan KS, Hung IFN, Poon LLM, Law KI, Tang BSF, Hon TYW, Chan CS, Chan KH, Ng JSC, Zheng BJ, Ng WL, Lai RWM, Guan Y, Yuen KY. Clinical progression and viral load in a community outbreak of coronavirus-associated SARS pneumonia: a prospective study. Lancet. 2003; 361: 1767-72.
- Cheung CY, Poon LL, Lau AS, Luk W, Lau YL, Shortridge KF, Gordon S, Guan Y, Peiris JSM. Induction of proinflammatory cytokines in human macrophages by influenza A (H5N1) viruses: a mechanism for the unusual severity of human disease? Lancet. 2002; 360:1831-7.
- Li KS, Guan Y, Wang J, Smith GJ, Xu KM, Duan L, Rahardjo AP, Puthavathana P, Buranathai C, Nguyen TD, Estoepangestie AT, Chaisingh A, Auewarakul P, Long HT, Hanh NT, Webby RJ, Poon LL, Chen H, Shortridge KF, Yuen, KY, Webster RG, Peiris JSM. Genesis of a highly pathogenic and potentially pandemic H5N1 influenza virus in eastern Asia. Nature. 2004; 430: 209-13.
- Chan MC, Kuok DI, Leung CY, Hui KP, Valkenburg SA, Lau EH, Nicholls JM, Fang X, Guan Y, Lee JW, Chan RW, Webster RG, Matthay MA, Peiris JSM. Human mesenchymal stromal cells reduce influenza A H5N1-associated acute lung injury in vitro and in vivo. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2016; 113:3621-6.
- Zou L, Ruan F, Huang M, Liang L, Huang H, Hong Z, Yu J, Kang M, Song Y, Xia J, Guo Q, Song T, He J, Yen HL, Peiris M, Wu J. SARS-CoV-2 Viral Load in Upper Respiratory Specimens of Infected Patients. N Engl J Med. 2020; 382:1177-1179.
- Chu DKW, …Peiris M, Poon LLM. Molecular Diagnosis of a Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Causing an Outbreak of Pneumonia. Clin Chem. 2020; 66: 549-555.
- Sit THC, Brackman CJ, Ip SM, Tam KWS, Law PYT, To EMW, Yu VYT, Sims LD, Tsang DNC, Chu DKW, Perera RAPM, Poon LLM, Peiris M. Infection of dogs with SARS-CoV-2. Nature. 2020; 586:776-778.
- Sia SF, Yan LM, Chin AWH, Fung K, Choy KT, Wong AYL, Kaewpreedee P, Perera RAPM, Poon LLM, Nicholls JM, Peiris M, Yen HL. Pathogenesis and transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in golden hamsters. Nature. 2020;583:834-838.
- Lau EHY, Tsang OTY, Hui DSC, Kwan MYW, Chan WH, Chiu SS, Ko RLW, Chan KH, Cheng SMS, Perera RAPM, Cowling BJ, Poon LLM, Peiris M. Neutralizing antibody titres in SARS-CoV-2 infections. Nat Commun. 2021;12:63.
- Leung NHL, Chu DKW, Shiu EYC, Chan KH, McDevitt JJ, Hau BJP, Yen HL, Li Y, Ip DKM, Peiris JSM, Seto WH, Leung GM, Milton DK, Cowling BJ. Respiratory virus shedding in exhaled breath and efficacy of face masks. Nat Med. 2020;26:676-680.
- Chu DKW, Hui KPY, Perera RAPM, Miguel E, Niemeyer D, Zhao J, Channappanavar R, Dudas G, Oladipo JO, Traoré A, Fassi-Fihri O, Ali A, Demissié GF, Muth D, Chan MCW, Nicholls JM, Meyerholz DK, Kuranga SA, Mamo G, Zhou Z, So RTY, Hemida MG, Webby RJ, Roger F, Rambaut A, Poon LLM, Perlman S, Drosten C, Chevalier V, Peiris M*. MERS coronaviruses from camels in Africa exhibit region-dependent genetic diversity. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2018; 115: 3144-3149.
- Chan RW, Hemida MG, Kayali G, Chu DK, Poon LL, Alnaeem A, Ali MA, Tao KP, Ng HY, Chan MC, Guan Y, Nicholls JM, Peiris JSM*. Tropism and replication of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus from dromedary camels in the human respiratory tract: an in-vitro and ex-vivo study. Lancet Respir Med. 2014; 2:813-22.
- Vijaykrishna D, Smith GDJ, Pybus OG, Zhu H, Bhatt S, Poon LLM, Riley S, Bahl J, Ma SK, Cheung CL, Perera RAPM, Chen H, Shortridge KF, Webby RJ, Webster RG, Guan Y*, Peiris JSM*. Long-term evolution and transmission dynamics of swine influenza A virus. Nature 2011; 473: 519-22.
- Cowling BJ, Chan KH, Fang VJ, Lau LLH, So THC, Fung ROP Ma ESK, Kwong ASK Chan CW, Tsui WWS, Ngai HY, Chu DWS, Lee PWY, Chiu MC, Leung GM, Peiris JSM. Comparative Epidemiology of Pandemic and Seasonal Influenza A in Households. New Engl J Med 2010; 363: 2175-84.
- Vijaykrishna D, Poon LLM, Zhu HC, Ma SK, Li OTW, Cheung CL, Smith GLD, Peiris JSM*, Guan Y*. Reassortment of pandemic H1N1/2009 influenza A virus in swine. Science 2010; 328: 1529
- Smith GJ, Vijaykrishna D, Bahl J, Lycett SJ, Worobey M, Pybus OG, Ma SK, Cheung CL, Raghwani J, Bhatt S, Peiris JSM, Guan Y, Rambaut A. Origins and evolutionary genomics of the 2009 swine-origin H1N1 influenza A epidemic. Nature. 2009;459:1122-5.
- Nicholls JM, Chan MC, Chan WY, Wong HK, Cheung CY, Kwong DL, Wong MP, Chui WH, Poon LL, Tsao SW, Guan Y, Peiris JSM*. Tropism of avian influenza A (H5N1) in the upper and lower respiratory tract. Nat Med. 2007; 13: 147-9.
- Li KS, Guan Y, Wang J, Smith GJ, Xu KM, Duan L, Rahardjo AP, Puthavathana P, Buranathai C, Nguyen TD, Estoepangestie AT, Chaisingh A, Auewarakul P, Long HT, Hanh NT, Webby RJ, Poon LL, Chen H, Shortridge KF, Yuen KY, Webster RG, Peiris JSM. Genesis of a highly pathogenic and potentially pandemic H5N1 influenza virus in eastern Asia. Nature. 2004; 430:209-13.
- Arunachalam PS, Wimmers F, Mok CKP, Perera RAPM, Scott M, Hagan T, Sigal N, Feng Y, Bristow L, Tak-Yin Tsang O, Wagh D, Coller J, Pellegrini KL, Kazmin D, Alaaeddine G, Leung WS, Chan JMC, Chik TSH, Choi CYC, Huerta C, Paine McCullough M, Lv H, Anderson E, Edupuganti S, Upadhyay AA, Bosinger SE, Maecker HT, Khatri P, Rouphael N, Peiris M, Pulendran B. Systems biological assessment of immunity to mild versus severe COVID-19 infection in humans. Science. 2020;369: 1210-1220.
- Hachim A, Kavian N, Cohen CA, Chin AWH, Chu DKW, Mok CKP, Tsang OTY, Yeung YC, Perera RAPM, Poon LLM, Peiris JSM, Valkenburg SA. ORF8 and ORF3b antibodies are accurate serological markers of early and late SARS-CoV-2 infection. Nat Immunol. 2020; 21:1293-1301.
- Mok CKP, Zhu A, Zhao J, Lau EHY, Wang J, Chen Z, Zhuang Z, Wang Y, Alshukairi AN, Baharoon SA, Wang W, Tan W, Liang W, Oladipo JO, Perera RAPM, Kuranga SA, Peiris M*, Zhao J. T-cell responses to MERS coronavirus infection in people with occupational exposure to dromedary camels in Nigeria: an observational cohort study. Lancet Infect Dis. 2021; 21:385-395.
- Zhou Z, Hui KPY, So RTY, Lv H, Perera RAPM, Chu DKW, Gelaye E, Oyas H, Njagi O, Abayneh T, Kuria W, Walelign E, Wanglia R, El Masry I, Von Dobschuetz S, Kalpravidh W, Chevalier V, Miguel E, Fassi-Fihri O, Trarore A, Liang W, Wang Y, Nicholls JM, Zhao J, Chan MCW, Poon LLM, Mok CKP, Peiris M*. Phenotypic and genetic characterization of MERS coronaviruses from Africa to understand their zoonotic potential. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2021; 118: e2103984118.