Excellent Results of the School in the Award Presentation Ceremony for Excellence in Teaching, Research and Knowledge Exchange 2014
The Award Presentation Ceremony for Excellence in Teaching, Research and Knowledge Exchange 2014 was held on Monday, March 30, 2015 at Loke Yew Hall at 5:00 p.m.
The School extends our sincerest congratulations to Professor Guan Yi (Director of the Centre of Influenza Research and Daniel CK Yu Professor in Virology) and Dr Joseph Wu (Associate Professor) for being awarded the Outstanding Researcher Award (ORA) and Outstanding Young Researcher Award (OYRA) respectively.
Our congratulations also extend to the research team led by Professor Guan Yi, Dr Maria Zhu (Assistant Professor) and Dr Tommy Lam (Research Assistant Professor) whose research paper has been selected as the best research output (2013-14) of Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine and been awarded the University’s Outstanding Research Output Prize (ROP).
For highlights of the Award Presentation Ceremony, please visit
Video clips of the ORA and OYRA are also available at the below links:
ORA: http://www4.hku.hk/award/ceremony/images/video/2014/2014_ORA.mp4
OYRA: http://www4.hku.hk/award/ceremony/images/video/2014/2014_OYRA.mp4

A research team led by Professor Guan Yi, Dr Maria Zhu and Dr Tommy Lam received the Outstanding Research Output Prize (Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine) on stage.

Professor Guan Yi and Dr Joseph Wu on stage together with other awardees of ORA and OYRA