Event Recap: Visit of the School of Public Health International Advisory Board to Hong Kong


The School of Public Health was excited to receive our International Advisory Board (IAB) members for a visit to our School in late February. Highlights of the visit included a symposium by esteemed IAB members, including Dr Michael Lu, Dean of the School of Public Health at the University of California, Berkeley; Dr Kenji Shibuya, Research Director of the Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research and CEO of Medical Excellence Japan; and Professor Joanna Cohen, Bloomberg Professor of Disease Prevention and Chair of Department of Health, Behavior, and Society, Johns Hopkins University, who joined via video presentation. Their presentations sparked meaningful discussions and provided valuable insights into global health challenges and opportunities.

The visit also included engaging breakout discussions with major stakeholders of our School. These sessions facilitated in-depth exchanges on research, teaching, and collaboration, fostering new ideas and encouraging knowledge sharing. The visit also included a tour to our research centres and laboratories, such as the Centre for Immunology & Infection (C2i), and a meeting with the Hong Kong Jockey Club Global Health Institute (HKJCGHI). In addition, the IAB members met with Deanery of HKUMed as well as Senior Management Team of the University to exchange ideas on Public Health education and strategic development. This visit underscored our School’s commitment to excellence and continuous improvement in our public health education, research and global collaboration.

The School extends our heartful gratitude to the IAB members for their invaluable advice and contributions.


IAB_Group Photo

A group photo at the SPH International Advisory Board Symposium with Professor Chak-sing Lau, Dean of LKS Faculty of Medicine, HKU; Dr Michael Lu, Dean of School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley; Dr Kenji Shibuya, Research Director of the Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research and CEO of Medical Excellence Japan; Professor David Bishai, Director and Clinical Director of SPH; and several SPH ExCom members. 


IAB_Dr Michael Lu

Dr Michael Lu delivers a presentation titled “Berkeley Public Health: Redefining Impact Factor”.


Dr Kenji Shibuya

Dr Kenji Shibuya delivers a presentation titled “Schools of Public Health and Research Frontiers”.


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Professor David Bishai, Director and Clinical Director of SPH, moderates the panel discussion. 



SPH International Advisory Board members visit the Centre for Immunology & Infection (C2i).


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Professor Leo Poon Lit-man introduces the School’s laboratory. 



