
- MBBS (HK), MD (HK), MPH (Harvard), MRCP (UK), FFPH, FHKCCM, FHKAM (Community Medicine)
作為一個公共衞生醫學專科醫生,倪醫生的跨學科研究以人口精神健康為中心延伸至不同的範疇。他的主要研究領域為精神健康流行病學,並圍繞著新興和流行的精神健康決定因素。自2014 年起,由倪醫生領導的研究已獲得40 項合共超過1億港元的研究撥款資助。
倪醫生現為「愛+人」隊列研究 (調查人數46,001人) 的項目總監。該項目為一個以全港人口為基準的大型隊列研究。倪醫生獲委任為世界衛生組織世界精神衛生複合性國際診斷交談表5.0版本(Composite International Diagnostic Interview, CIDI-5)的香港首席研究員,並同時擔任腦與認知科學國家重點實驗室的首席調查研究員及被當選為世界精神病協會流行病學與公共衛生領導成員。在教學職務方面,他負責內外全科醫學士課程及公共衞生學院研究生課程的統籌工作。
Michele Tansella Award, World Psychiatric Association
Outstanding Young Researcher Award, The University of Hong Kong
Lo Ying Shek Chi Wai Foundation Award for Young Investigator
Distinguished Young Fellow, Hong Kong Academy of Medicine
Knowledge Exchange (KE) Excellence Awards 2024
Research Output Prize, The University of Hong Kong
Faculty Outstanding Research Output Award, LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong
Various positions are available (https://www.familycohort.sph.hku.hk/a), including Research Assistant Professor, Postdoctoral fellows, Postgraduate and undergraduate students. For enquiries, please contact familyco@hku.hk
(* denotes corresponding author)
- Ni MY*, Yao XI, Leung KS, et al. Depression and post-traumatic stress during major social unrest in Hong Kong: a ten-year prospective cohort. The Lancet 2020 Jan; 395(10220):273-284 [IF 202.7] [link]
- Ni MY*, Canudas-Romo V, Shi J, et al. Understanding longevity in Hong Kong: a comparative study with long-living, high-income countries. The Lancet Public Health 2021 Dec; 6(12):E919-E931 [IF 72.4] [link]
- Ni MY*, Leung CMC, Leung GM. The epidemiology of population mental wellbeing in China. The Lancet Public Health 2020 Dec; 5(12):E631-E632 [IF 72.4] [link]
- Ni MY, Yao XI, Cheung F, et al. Determinants of Physical, Mental, and Social Well-Being: A Longitudinal Environment-Wide Association Study. International Journal of Epidemiology 2020 Apr;49(2):380-389 [IF 9.7] [link]
- Ni MY*, Li TK, Pang H, et al. Longitudinal patterns and predictors of depression trajectories related to the 2014 Occupy Central/Umbrella Movement in Hong Kong. American Journal of Public Health 2017 Apr;107(4):593-600 [IF 11.6] [link]
- Cheung F, Kube A, Tay L, Diener E, Jackson JJ, Lucas RE, Ni MY† (co-senior author), Leung GM†. The impact of the Syrian conflict on population well-being. Nature Communications 2020 Aug;11(1):3899 [IF 17.7] [link]
- Leung GM, Ni MY*, Wong PTK, et al. Cohort Profile FAMILY Cohort. International Journal of Epidemiology 2017 Apr;46(2):e1 [IF 9.7] [link]
- Yao XI, Ni MY*, Cheung F, et al. Change in moderate alcohol consumption and quality of life: evidence from 2 population-based cohorts. Canadian Medical Association Journal 2019 Jul;191(27):E753-E760 [IF 16.9] [link]
- Gilman SE, Ni MY, Dunn EC, et al. Contributions of the social environment to first-onset and recurrent mania. Molecular Psychiatry 2015;20(3):329-36 [IF 13.4] [link]
- Ni MY*, Chan BHY, Leung GM, Lau EH, Pang H. Transmissibility of the Ice Bucket Challenge among globally influential celebrities: retrospective cohort study. BMJ 2014;349:g7185 [IF 93.5] [link]