Preventing COVID-19 transmission in Hong Kong – An Open Dialogue with Prof Ben Cowling

Preventing COVID-19 transmission in Hong Kong – An Open Dialogue with Prof Ben Cowling


Join us on 3 April 2020 (Friday) for Part 2 of the Open Dialogue series with our Global Health experts.

Earlier this month, Prof Keiji Fukuda talked with us about the political, economic and societal challenges that we are facing in the COVID-19 outbreak.

Governments around the world are now being faced with difficult decisions on how best to mitigate and contain this outbreak. We are seeing more than ever that health is interlinked with all aspects of our lives and while containment and mitigation strategies are grounded in science, these decisions will have a huge political, economic and societal impact.

Join us for our next open dialogue with Prof Ben Cowling where various response strategies to curb the spread of COVID-19 will be explored.

Date: 3 April 2020 (Friday)
Time: 14:30 – 15:30 HKT
Medium: Zoom Webinar

Please register online before 1 April 2020 (noon). Zoom ID and joining instructions will be sent to you upon your registration.

Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact the HKU School of Public Health at
