Science Core

IntroCourse__3_Physiology_human_movement (1)

Behavioural Sciences I

Course code: CMED2004

Course coordinator: Mr K Hon

This course introduces the psychosocial aspects of health and illness, in contrast to the biomedical approach. Students will be introduced to key concepts in developmental psychology, health psychology, and medical sociology. The course introduces students to the human developmental process within the context of Chinese culture and also examines ways in which health is shaped by social context, culture, social structure and social processes through examining fundamental sociological theories. The course also involves a collaborative project between nursing and medical students. 

IntroCourse__3_Physiology_human_movement (1)

Fundamentals of Human Anatomy and Physiology

Course code: BBMS1002

Course coordinator: Dr W Ching


Human Biology

Course code: BBMS1001

Course coordinator: Dr W Ching


Physiology for human movement

Course code: EXSC1004

Course coordinator: Dr W Ching

This course provides the basic concepts related to the structure and function of the human body, including the organization of the body from single cell to the coordinated whole. Particularly, the course will focus on the body systems that respond to physical exercise, including cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, musculoskeletal, neural, and endocrine. The course serves a basis for understanding the normal processes of life. In addition, the course will describe how different tissues are organised to perform the essential physiological functions in human body.


Introduction to Human Anatomy

Course code: BBMS2004 

Course coordinator: Dr H Yip

The course provides an understanding of the organization and functions of human body in relation to clinical practice. Introduction to human anatomy, cell structure, tissues, embryonic differentiation, musculoskeletal structures, brain and spinal cord, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, gastrointestinal system, endocrine system, urogenital system. 


Anatomy for Exercise and Health

Course code: BBMS2012

Course coordinator: Dr W Ching

The course provides an understanding of the organization, structure and functions of the human body with an emphasis on major body systems pertaining to kinesiology and exercise science. Through a series of lectures, practical sessions, tutorials and peer learning activities, students will be introduced to the gross and microscopic anatomy of musculoskeletal structures, brain and spinal cord, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, and endocrine system.


Research Methods in Medicine and Health

Course code: BBMS2011

Course coordinator: Dr D Ho

Evidence-based practice, the overarching principle of all health professions, is premised on the sciences of epidemiology and biostatistics and is the foundation of health-related research. A solid foundation in research methods is needed to guide effective health related research. Biostatistics will emphasize application and interpretation. Students will be able to make sense of data, and appraise scientific evidence through an understanding of basic epidemiologic and statistical concepts and draft a research proposal for submission to local grant funding agencies.


Evidence-based Practice and Public Health

Course code: BBMS2002

Course coordinator: Dr D Ho


Research design and analysis for exercise and health 

Course code: EXSC2004

Course coordinator: Dr SSM Fong

Epidemiology is the study of the patterns of health and illness in populations. In the course students will gain a broad understanding of the factors associated with the distribution and determinants of diseases within populations, and the utility of different study designs (cross-sectional studies, cohort studies, case-control studies, randomized controlled trials and outbreak investigation or surveillance studies). 
