Ongoing Projects

Breast Cancer Decision Aid (Chinese only)
Breast Cancer Decision Aid (《選擇乳癌手術—何去何從?》)is an easy-to-understand information booklet that helps early breast cancer patients to make informed treatment decisions by introducing various treatment options and each of their advantages and risks.
View Website (Chinese version only)

Breast Cancer Screening Project
The project aims to promote informed decision making for early breast cancer detection among Hong Kong women through an online personal risk assessment and decision-aid.
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Commissioned Study on Evaluating the Impact of Tobacco Control Policies in Hong Kong
Supported by Health and Medical Research Fund, the project aims to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of implemented tobacco control measures, and to generate reliable and updated local information to guide planning and implementing tobacco control programmes. The study consists of three sub-projects, 1) Collaborating with the Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health, the Tobacco Control Policy Survey data in 2013-2018 will be analysed; 2) A territory-wide household survey will be conducted in two years with 5,000 households, including a baseline and a follow-up survey. HKU School of Public Health commissioned Aristo Market Research & Consulting Co., Ltd (珩峰市場研究有限公司) to conduct the household survey through telephone or face-to-face visits from October 1, 2019 to December 31, 2021; 3) At smoking hotspots, observations and a cohort study will be conducted on current tobacco users. The outdoor smoking hotspots studies will be conducted from July 1, 2019 to December 31, 2021 by HKU School of Public Health and School of Nursing.

FAMILY Cohort is a territory-wide cohort study in Hong Kong to understand the health, happiness and harmony (the “3Hs”) of individuals and the households and neighbourhoods in which they live, established with funding from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust.
Data collected from the study can be found on a web-based interactive inquiry platform, the Geographical Information System (GIS) Beta Version.

Gender & COVID-19
Gender & COVID-19 brings together academics from around the world, and conducts real time gender analysis to identify and document the gendered dynamics of COVID-19 and gaps in preparedness and response. The project provides rapid policy guidance and support to those crafting interventions.
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Hedley Environmental Index
Hedley Environmental Index (HEI) is developed by a group of researchers in the School of Public Health in 2008 and followed by updates in 2012 and 2014, respectively, to inform and assist the public in the interpretation of pollution levels and provide an effective approach to health risk communication.
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Hong Kong Breast Cancer Study
Hong Kong Breast Cancer Study (HKBCS) is a commissioned study on the risk of breast cancer in Hong Kong. Awarded by the Food and Health Bureau of the HKSAR Government under the auspice of the Health and Medical Research Fund, the study aims to investigate the aetiology and outcomes of breast cancer among local ethnic Chinese women by using a prospective case-control study design. Patients are recruited from both public and private sectors.

Influenza Surveillance Dashboard
Developed by the influenza research team of the School of Public Health, the University of Hong Kong, the Influenza Surveillance Dashboard is an influenza surveillance system which synthesizes and displays multiple sources of timely data streams on a single screen.
Through this illustrative application, surveillance data can be disseminated efficiently and facilitates the translation of surveillance information to public health actions.

Jockey Club Institute of Cancer Care
Supported by Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust and established by the LKS Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong, the Jockey Club Institute of Cancer Care (JCICC) aims to providing comprehensive symptom relief and psychosocial support and survivorship care for cancer patients, their families and caregivers through state-of-the-art professional service and community resources referral.
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Jockey Club Monitoring of Youth Mental Health (Tentative)
HKU School of Public Health launches the Jockey Club Monitoring of Youth Mental Health (Tentative), a four-year project which aims to investigate the mental health and wellbeing of youths as well as its determinants. This could be beneficial for promoting policies to enhance the overall youth mental wellbeing in Hong Kong.
The study includes territory-wide household visits and longitudinal follow-ups. The initial phase involves a baseline survey through household visit across the territory to 8,000 youths aged 6-24 and parents of youths aged 6-17. The MOV Data Collection Centre Limited (米奧特資料搜集中心) was engaged to conduct in-person surveys starting from December 2024. Invitations will be sent to the randomly selected households. MOV will also conduct home visits between 10am to 10pm for further engagement.
In addition to the baseline survey, youths aged 9-17 and their parents will be invited to participate in another part of the study, which including utilising a smartphone app for data collection over a period of one year.

COVID-19 – Latest Research Findings and Insights from WHO Collaborating Centre for Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Control
Hosted by HKU School of Public Health, the WHO Collaborating Centre for Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Control has been involved in the response to COVID-19 and have conducted a range of scientific research projects.
The website is created as a platform to share the latest scientific findings and implications for evidence-based public health policies on the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak.
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Little Dr Flu
Launched in 2013, Little Dr Flu aims to arouse students’ awareness of influenza virus infection through better understanding on public health, etiological agents and human respiratory system; to provide opportunity for primary students to visit a research laboratory; and to stimulate children’s interest in science.
The programme engages primary students of P4 to P6 and comprises the following components:
(1) Little Dr Flu Classroom, spanning
a. What is virus?
b. Difference between bacteria and viruses?
c. Influenza virus transmission routes; and
d. Hand hygiene;
(2) Laboratory visits;
(3) Culture of bacteria from unwashed and washed hands;
(4) Light microscopy; and
(5) Human respiratory tract anatomy and Chest X-ray film examination
HKU KE Impact Project Funding for year 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 have been secured for the programme. Each year, over 240 students from more than 15 primary schools enrolled in the programme. Over 1,300 students are benefitted by 2017.
Read more about Little Dr Flu’s engagement in the community HERE
For further enquiries, please contact the programme coordinator at 3917 7595.

Microbe Fighter HKU
“Microbe Fighter” is a comprehensive health promotion programme for infectious diseases prevention and control in kindergartens and primary schools. Since 2016, the “Microbe Fighter” team offered face-to-face health education session to enhance preventive health concept and non-pharmacological practice, including hand hygiene and facemask usage among young students from K3 to P3. With the support of funding from Health Care and Promotion Scheme, Food and Health Bureau HKSAR and HKU Knowledge Exchange Funding, the team designed health education materials and video clips in-house, in an interesting and understandable way for our targeted audience of young children. Interactive health talks to students included demonstration of the mode of influenza virus transmission and the importance of hand hygiene utilizing fluorescent germ juice visible only under ultraviolet light, proper hand hygiene technique, cough and sneeze etiquette, and hands-on exercise on fitting and disposal of surgical masks. The team also utilised the “Happy Birthday” song to teach the technique of proper hand hygiene, which covered for a period of 20 seconds as recommended by the US Centre for Disease Control and Prevention and with revised lyrics to cover the seven steps of hand washing, aiming to facilitate easy memorisation and incorporation into children’s daily habit. Separate “Train-the-Trainer” health education sessions were also extended to interested schools since 2018 to improve teachers’ knowledge and preventive health concept against common communicable disease in young children. This comprehensive programme had reached over 150 schools so far, reaching close to 40,000 teachers and students.
For further enquiries, please contact the programme coordinator at +852 8300 1005.
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Microbe Fighter Facebook
Microbe Fighter YouTube Channel

School-based Influenza Vaccination programme
Seasonal influenza vaccination (SIV) is the most effective preventive approach for the infection. School-based SIV programme has been widely adopted in many countries for decades to improve its uptake rate. Since 2018, the HKSAR Government has started to pilot school-based SIV service in local primary schools under the Vaccine Subsidy Scheme (VSS) of the Department of Health (DH). Our health promotion team participated as one of the largest service provider to conduct school-based vaccination for students and teachers, covering over 20,000 vaccinations since the 2018/19 school year. Under a commissioned Health and Medical Research Fund, the team is also currently helping the Government to assess the evolving acceptability, direct protective effect on the vaccinated children, as well as the indirect protection in the school, household, and community level impact of the school-based influenza vaccination. As the only provider allowing a free choice of using either Inactivated Influenza Vaccine (IIV) by injection or Live Attenuate Influenza Vaccine (LAIV) by nasal spray for participating schools, we are also assessing and comparing the two vaccine candidates in terms of the various outcomes.
For further enquiries, please contact the programme coordinator at +852 8100 5823.
View our videos on our School-based Influenza Vaccination programme:
Video 1
Video 2

State Key Laboratory for Emerging Infectious Diseases
Established by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) in 2005, the State Key Laboratory for Emerging Infectious Diseases joints hands with other state key laboratories in Mainland China for national research programmes on infectious diseases. Through effective collaboration and interaction, the laboratory has become an essential component at HKU in research, training and interaction with mainland partners on related research areas.

Teaching and Education at HKU-Pasteur Research Pole
HKU-Pasteur Research Pole, a joint laboratory of HKU and the Institut Pasteur, has been developing international educational programmes and courses of excellence in research and education for students, young scientists and health professionals, aiming to generate biological knowledge and advance the understanding and treatment of infectious diseases.
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Virological, Immunological and Epidemiological Characterization of COVID-19
COVID-19 has become the worst pandemic in the past 100 years. There is an urgent need to better understand this disease in both pandemic and epidemic forms to inform public health policy. This project aims at using multidisciplinary approaches to study two key research questions. Firstly, a panel of SARS-CoV-2 isolates found in Hong Kong and abroad will be characterized. Secondly, the immune responses triggered by COVID-19 and its vaccines will be studied. Findings will be used to provide evidence-based options for long-term control of this pandemic and its aftermath. The project involves multi-institution collaboration among HKUMed, CUHK, HKUST and University of Melbourne. Findings were published in high-impact journals and shared in various seminars.
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