MBBS Curriculum
The School offers to MBBS students in Years 1-5 twelve interactive public health courses that are fully integrated into the curriculum and comply with the specific regulatory requirements for professional education as stipulated by the Medical Council in Hong Kong.
All courses are taught by internationally recognized experts in the fields of public health clinical practice, infectious diseases epidemiology and control, non-communicable diseases and lifestyle modifications, biostatistics, tobacco control, environmental protection, psycho-oncology, and health economics and management.
Multidisciplinary public health courses aim to strengthen students’ knowledge and skills in evidence-based decision making, smoking cessation, health research, behavioural science, risk assessment, global health and humanitarian services, outbreak investigation, surveillance and infection control monitoring, occupational medicine, public health advocacy, clinical epidemiology, and health economics and services management. Through interdisciplinary projects such as Patient Care and Health Research Projects, students gain an experience how to communicate with patients and their family members, work in professional teams and translate research finding and innovations into public health advocacy and action.
In addition, during MBBS Year 3 Enrichment Year, students have new opportunities to engage in humanitarian services through a partnership with a broad spectrum of service and community organizations from the local level to supranational agencies, or to undertake an Intercalated Master of Public Health (MPH) programme to further promote and protect population health and extend their capacity to become future public health professionals and leaders
Students Prizes
Prizes are awarded annually for MBBS students with the highest achievements in the summative exams questions related to Public Health, Health Research Project or Problem Based Public Health.
(in alphabetical order)
Chee Family Prize in Public Health
Awarded annually to top 10% of the class in terms of the cumulative marks obtained in the Public Health components of the written assessments in their First, Second, Third and Fourth examinations.
Winner in 2018/19
Mr Poon Chi NgaiHo Kam Tong Prize in Community Medicine
Awarded annually to the student who has secured the highest place in the Fourth MBBS Examination in Public Health.
Winner in 2018/19
Ms Lau Hiu Ching
Winner in 2017/18

Mr Ma Kwok Ming
Winner in 2016/17
Ms Chan Ka Wing
Winner in 2015/16
Mr Lam Cheuk Yin Anthony
Winner in 2014/15
Mr Hui Wan Hin Rex
Hong Kong College of Family Physicians’ Prize in Community Medicine
Awarded to students who have demonstrated special interest and skill in an approved investigation into aspects of general practice and the best community based research work.
Winners in 2018/19
Mr Ho Yik To
Mr Lam Gin Hou Alan
Mr Cheng Tung
Ms Lau Wai Sum
Ms Lee Ho Yan Clara
Mr Ng Chi Ho
Mr Sheung Chun Yin Brian
Mr Wong Lok Wang
Mr Yu Jeffrey Hong Cheung
The prize is awarded for their project work on the subject: “Association of sleep hygiene behavior and sleep quality in medical students in Hong Kong”.
Winners in 2017/18
Mr Ho Wui Hang
Mr Ma Kwok Ming
Mr Ho Han Chung Gary
Mr Lew Ting Kai
Mr Li Ka Ho
Ms Tam Wan In
Ms Wan Lai Kuen
Ms Wong Wing Shan
Mr Wu Kit Wah
Ms Ng Kim Yee Naomi
The prize is awarded for their project work on the subject: “Opt-out Organ Donation in Hong Kong – An Interventional Study on Its Effectiveness in Raising Donor Numbers”.
Winners in 2016/17
Ms Cheng Christie C
Mr Chiang Yan Wa
Ms Chui Jacqueline Cheuk Yan
Mr Lee Chi Ming
Mr Li Min Hin Henry
Mr Tse Tak Mong Desmond
Mr Wong Bo Hang
Mr Wong Ka Hei
Ms Yu Stephanie Wing Yin
The prize is awarded for their project work on the subject: “A Storybook Intervention Improves the Health Literacy of Older Patients with Type II Diabetes Mellitus in Hong Kong: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial”.
Winners in 2015/16
Mr Chen Hei Yu Matthew
Ms Chiu Wing Yan
Mr Ho Pui Hung
Mr Kwok Chun Pong
Ms Lam Sze Man Suki
Mr Leung Ka Chun
Mr Mui Carlo
Ms Ng Yuk Yiu
Mr Wong Chun Yip
Ms Wong Kit Yee
The prize is awarded for their project work on the subject: “Impact of patient education on influenza vaccine uptake among community-dwelling Chinese elderly: a randomised controlled trial”.
Winners in 2014/15
Mr Chan Chin Tsung
Ms Chan Ofelia Wing Ying
Mr Cheung Hon Wing
Mr Chung Sing Lai
Ms Lau Swan
Ms Lau Wing Tung
Mr Leung Felix
Mr Leung Ka Ho
Mr Li Chi
Mr Tam Yuk Wang Edward
The prize is awarded for their project work on the subject: “Knowledge and attitudes towards the use of automated external defibrillator in Hong Kong: a population-based cross-sectional study”
Hong Kong Society of Community Medicine Prize
Awarded annually to a group of medical students who have demonstrated special interest and skill in an approved assignment in the field of community medicine.
Winners in 2018/19
Mr Cheng Kwan Yin
Mr Cheung Ho Ming James
Ms Chu Lok Yee Sabrina
Ms Chu Man Ka
Mr Fok Ho Man
Ms Lam Hiu Ching Michelle
Mr Lam Ho Ting
Ms Tse Lok Yan Corinna
Mr Wong Cheuk Yin Matthew
Mr Yiu Ka Sang
The Prize is awarded for their project work on the subject: “A study on the mental well-being of patients with glaucoma in Hong Kong”.
Winners in 2017/18

Mr Wu Tai Dong
Mr Wong Chi Chung Jeffrey
Mr Wong Chun Lai
Mr Yiu On Lap
Mr Siu Ka Wing
Mr Leung Wai Chung
Ms Wu Stephanie Oilam
Ms Pang Yee Ting
Ms Ma Wai Shan
Mr Lo Long Ho
The Prize is awarded for their project work on the subject: “Evaluate the effectiveness of various interventions in influencing knowledge, attitudes and behaviour towards organ donation among secondary school students in Hong Kong”.
Winners in 2016/17
Mr Fong Fuk Kei
Mr Kong Novia Mozart
Mr Lai Kang
Ms Lee Yee Ting
Ms Leung Yin Fong
Mr Leung Yue Hin Ryan
Mr Lin Hiu Yu
Ms Ng Bik Kwan
Ms Wong Pui
The Prize is awarded for their project work on the subject: “Psychosocial Health of Foreign Domestic Workers in Hong Kong: A Cross-Sectional Study”.
Winners in 2015/16
Mr Choi Sze Yuen
Ms Fung Sze Hang
Mr Lai Chi Kit
Ms Leung Sze Chung Gloria
Mr Li Victor
Mr Lung Matthew Chi Yeung
Mr Poon Wui Chung
Ms Tam Ka Yue
Ms Wu Tsz Tin Tracy
Mr Yan Sze Wing
The Prize is awarded for their project work on the subject: “A study on the sleep quality and duration of Hong Kong primary school students - Associated factors and their relationship with health related quality of life”.
Winners in 2014/15
Mr Chan Chun Hei
Ms Chow Wing Man
Mr Dianto Jeffrey
Mr Ho Ho Nam
Mr Lau Yuk Ming
Mr Lie Hong Yin Henry
Mr Liu Chi Wai
Ms Lo King Yan Cathy
Ms So Karen Hoi Ting
Mr Yu Anthony Shing-yiu
The Prize is awarded for their project work on the subject: “The Association between Polypharmacy and Antihypertensive Drug Adherence in Chinese Adult Patients”.
Medic '71 Dean's Prize for Community Projects
Awarded to a group of medical students who have produced an outstanding community project which should essentially be an original project, done entirely or mostly by current medical student, focusing on health issues of the community; and well documented and presented.
Winners in 2015/16
Mr Poon Ho Ting Samuel
Mr Liu Ho Lim
Ms Leung Wing Hei
Mr Chiu Hon Yiu
Ms Lee Wah Yan Jennifer
Ms Siu Wan Yung
Ms Tsui Pui Chi
Mr Lam Wai Yiu
Winners in 2014/15
Mr Cheung Lam Chi
Mr Chu Wing Ming
Mr Fong Chun Yuen
Mr Hui Wan Hin Rex
Mr Lau Hong Wan Ivan
Ms Leung Chun Yiu
Mr Leung Eugene
Ms Leung Sze Nga Sheona
Mr Yip Kimberly Kin Yan
Ms Yung Vivian Queenie
Professor Michael Colbourne Prize
Awarded to a group of the MBBS students who have produced an outstanding piece of work in any of the sections of the curriculum administered by the School of Public Health.
Winners in 2018/19
Mr Au Andrea Chor Kiu
Mr Chan Hoi Ho
Ms Chiu Yuen Kei
Ms Day Chi Rong Joycelyn
Mr Ko Tsz Ngok
Ms Lam Sin Nga
Mr Leung Ka Long
Ms Leung Sin Yan Shelomith
Mr Liu Wai Shun Wilson
Mr Tsang Man Kit
The Prize is awarded for their project work on the subject “HPV Knowledge, Risk Perceptions and Perceived Need for Safer Sexual Behaviour Among Hong Kong Female University Students with Different HPV Vaccination Status - A Comparative Cross-sectional Study”.
Winners in 2017/18

Mr Cheng King Hei Dominic
Ms Chan Oi Ting
Mr Chu Kim Long Matthew
Mr Ho Chun Hing
Ms Lau Hiu Yu Hilda
Ms Lee Pik Hey
Mr Tam Hoi Man
Mr Tang Chi Ho
Mr Justin Chan
Mr Teng Irving
Ms Wang Mei Yu
The Prize is awarded for their project work on the subject “Knowledge of and attitudes towards advance directive among patients with end-stage organ failure or advanced malignancy and their caregivers”.
Winners in 2016/17
Mr Chan Hei Tung
Ms Chung Suet Wing Lulu
Mr Lam Fong Tao
Mr Lau Tsz Gwan Jordan
Ms Lo Phoebe Hiu Wai
Ms Lui Hoi Man
Mr Lun Yiu Kun
Ms Tang Tin Yan
Ms Tsang Hiu Man Vivian
Mr Yee Ho Fung
The Prize is awarded for their project work on the subject “Perception and Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Low Back Pain”.
Winners in 2015/16
Mr Choi Ming Hong
Ms Fok Alvina Jada
Mr Kwok Pak Wai
Mr Lau Ming Him
Ms Leung Sau Chun
Mr Li Sheung Yin
Mr Pang Chun Sum
Ms Tam Fung Kuen
Ms Wong Yu Hei Bithia
Mr Wu Chun Hei Andie
Mr Zheng Jun
The Prize is awarded for their project work on the subject “Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Do not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation (DNACPR) amongst Doctors and Clinical Medical Students - a Cross-Sectional Study”.
Winners in 2014/15
Ms Chan Oi Ling
Mr Chan Wai Hoi
Ms Chu Stephanie Kar Yee
Mr Flynn Brian Terence
Mr Ho Stanton King Dat
Mr Ho Wilson Ka-hei
Ms Ip Whitney Chin Tung
Mr Lee Fat Kei
Ms Lee Wah Yan
Mr Sin Kin Man
The Prize is awarded for their project work on the subject “Treatment regret amongst survivors of nasopharyngeal cancer (NPC) treated with radical radiotherapy”.
Teng Pin Hui Prize in Community Medicine
Awarded to the student who achieves the best total scores in the course assessment and examination in Health, Behaviour and Medical Care, for work in Years 1 to 4.
Winner in 2017/18

Ms So Wing Lam
Winner in 2016/17
Mr Liu Wai Kiu Thomas
Winner in 2015/16
Mr Leung Ka Chun
Winner in 2014/15
Mr Hui Wan Hin Rex
Yuan Ai-Ti Gold Medal in Behavioural Sciences
Awarded to a second-year MBBS student who has performed well in the First and Second Summative Examinations and who has achieved the best overall performance on the basis of a piece of written work and the viva voca.
Winner in 2018/19
Ms Lee Lok Sze
Winner in 2017/18

Ms Chu Hui Ning Florinda
Winner in 2016/17
Mr Li Justin
Winner in 2015/16
Ms Chau Yan Wing Stephanie
Winner in 2014/15
Ms Young Yee Man Catherine