Research Centres & Units
Research centres and units under the School are:
Biostatistics and Clinical Research Methodology Unit (BCRMU)
Recognising the need for core support in biostatistics and clinical research methodology, in January 2015 the LKS Faculty of Medicine created the Biostatistics and Clinical Research Methodology Unit (BCRMU) to provide support on quantitative research methods.
HKU-Pasteur Research Pole
HKU and the Institut Pasteur have jointly supported a research unit in HKU since October 1999. In December 2013 the University of Hong Kong (HKU) and the Institut Pasteur renewed their partnership by establishing the Hong Kong University-Pasteur Research Pole (HKU-PRP) under the School of Public Health.
HKU-PRP aims to be a distinctive medical research laboratory with the goal to improve health by developing new ways to treat diseases.
WHO Collaborating Centre for Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Control
In 2014, the School was official designated as a WHO Collaborating Centre for Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Control. The designation of HKU School of Public Health as a WHO Collaborating Centre is the first of such kind at the University.
The WHO Collaborating Centre coordinates research on the control and prevention of infectious diseases, and providing local and regional education and training under the joint directorship of Professor Gabriel M Leung and Professor Wing-hong Seto.
WHO CoViNet Reference Laboratory
WHO H5 Reference Laboratory
The Centre of Influenza Research at HKU is one of 12 laboratories worldwide designated as a WHO H5 reference laboratory. Its mandate is to provide international reference laboratory services and training on H5 and other animal influenza viruses with zoonotic potential, to provide WHO with data and risk assessment relevant to such zoonotic threats and advice on selection of relevant viruses for pre-pandemic vaccine development. As part of these responsibilities the HKU laboratory takes part in the twice yearly WHO influenza vaccine strain selection meetings. Over the years the HKU laboratory was involved in providing assistance and training to countries such as Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, India, Sri Lanka, and Cambodia.