Vackova, Dana

Division of Community Medicine and Public Health Practice
- MD (Charles), MBA (Lond), FHKAM (Community Medicine), FHKCCM, SFHEA
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Dr Dana Vackova, MD, MBA, FHKAM, FHKCCM, SFHEA is a Principal Lecturer at the School of Public Health (SPH) in the LKS Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong (HKUMed). She is a coordinator of the HKUMed’s MBBS Enrichment Year (EY) Humanitarian Services, member of the EY committee, BIMHSE Taskforce for Inter-professional education and a member of the HKUMed Clinical Curriculum Reform committee. She is responsible for coordinating SPH undergraduate courses, planning and developing the MBBS curriculum, and managing SPH MBBS courses and Interprofessional Education (IPE). She developed MBBS courses such as interdisciplinary HRP, Occupational Medicine, Challenges in Health Care Management and online Induction course for EY students.
Dr Vackova received grants for medical education research and presented her research results at the international medical education conferences. She is an author of many cases for MBBS Problem-Based Learning (PBL) and case studies for MBBS students.
Dr Vackova is a Fellow of the Hong Kong College of Community Medicine, HKAM (Community Medicine) and a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Selected Publications
- Ganotice, F., Zheng, B., Ng, P.Y. et al. Towards a global partnership model in interprofessional education for cross-sector problem-solving. BMC Med Educ 23, 457 (2023).
- Zhao JV, Yeung W-F, Chan Y-H, Vackova D, Leung JYY, Ip DKM, Zhao J, Ho W-K, Tse H-F, Schooling CM. Effect of Berberine on Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors: A Mechanistic Randomized Controlled Trial. Nutrients. 2021; 13(8):2550. (ISSN 2072-6643, IF 5.717, Cite Score 6.4).
- Mohammed, B.H., Johnston, J.M., Vackova, D. et al. The role of male partner in utilization of maternal health care services in Ethiopia: a community-based couple study. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 19, 28 (2019).
- Fong S.M., Vackova D., Choi W.M., Cheng T.Y.Y., Yam T.T.T. and Guo X., Diversity of activity participation determines bone mineral content in the lower limbs of pre-pubertal children with developmental coordination disorder, Osteoporosis International. 2018, 29: 917-925. (Publication No. : 284451)
- Fong S.M., Chung M.Y.L.O.U.I.S.A., Bae Y.O.U.N.G.-.H.Y.E.O., Vackova D., Ma W.W.A.I.D.A. and Liu P.Y., Neuromuscular Processes in the Control of Posture in Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder: Current Evidence and Future Research Directions, In: Dr. John Cairney, University of Toronto, Section: Disorders of Motor, Section Editor: Dr. Peter H. Wilson, Dr. Amanda Kirby, Springer Current Develomental Disorders Report. Springer, Springer Nature, 2018, 5 Issue 1: 43-45. 10.1007/s40474-018-0130-9 (Publication No. : 294774)
- Mohammed B.H., Johnston J.M., Vackova D., Hassen S.M. and Yi H.S., The role of male partner in utilization of maternal health care services in Ethiopia: A community-based couple study, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth . 2019, 19(1): 28. (Publication No. : 296796)
- Vackova D., Chen K., LUI N.M.J. and Johnston J.M., A validation study of public health knowledge, skills, social responsibility and applied learning, International Journal of Medical Education. 2018, 9: 175-81. (Publication No. : 286350)
- So N.Y.H., Yap P.M., Chak W.W.S., Chan K.T.C., Chow N.K.W., Chung F.K.L., Lin P.H., See B.M.K., Tsang J.T.W., Yao I.Y., Yeung C.Y., YAM T.T.T., CHENG T.Y.Y., Vackova D. and Fong S.M., Activity participation and neuromuscular fitness of medical students: A cross-sectional study, International Journal of Sports and Physical Education. 2018, 4: 6-12. (Publication No. : 288398)
- So E.C.T., Fung F.H.F., Yeung J.K.H., Chow L.H.Y., Kwok J.S.H., Lam R.L.Y., So T.C.Y., Yu F.S.M., Vackova D. and Leung G.K.K., Patient perception of physician attire before and after disclosure of the risks of microbial contamination, The International Journal of Medical Students. 2013, 1(3): 109-114. (Publication No. : 227084)