Wong, Tsz Yan Polly

Division of Health Economics, Policy and Management
- Hons. BSc (UofT), MPhil (HKU), PhD (HKU)
3917 9141 | |
pollywong@hku.hk |
Dr Polly Wong joined the School of Public Health as Tutor in 2016 and now serves as a Senior Lecturer. She graduated from the University of Toronto, Canada (Honours, Bachelor of Science) in Specialist (Co-operative) Program in Neuroscience. She obtained both her Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy in Child Neurology from the University of Hong Kong.
Dr Wong is currently the Deputy Programme Director of the Master of Public Health (MPH). She also leads the Practicum component of the MPH, the placement of which is mandatory for all MPH students. Dr Wong also tutors for other MPH and undergraduate teaching for medical and allied health students, leading patient care/health research projects, conducting problem-based learning tutorials and evidence-based practice/public health tutorials.
Dr Wong’s research is focused on child neurology, including Autism Spectrum Disorder, epilepsy and Dravet Syndrome - a rare epileptic encephalopathy caused by possible underlying genetic mutation.
Selected Publications
- Tso, W.W.Y., Wong, V.C.N., Xia, X., Faragher, B., Li, M., Xu, X., Ao, L., Zhang, X., Jiao, F.Y., Du, K., Shang, X., Wong, P.T.Y., & Challis, D. (2018). The Griffiths Development Scales-Chinese (GDS-C): A cross-cultural comparison of developmental trajectories between Chinese and British children. Child Care Health Dev, [Epub ahead of print]
- Wong, V. C., Fung, C. W., Lee, S. L., & Wong, P. T.Y. (2015). Review of evolution of clinical, training and educational services and research program for autism spectrum disorders in Hong Kong. Sci China Life Sci, 58(10), 991-1009.
- Wong, P.T.Y. & Wong V.C. (2015). Norm of Physical Measurement of Typical Developing Chinese Children in Hong Kong.J Syndr, ;2(1), 8.
- Wong, V. C., Fung, C. K., & Wong, P. T.Y. (2014). Use of dysmorphology for subgroup classification on autism spectrum disorder in Chinese children. J Autism Dev Disord, 44(1), 9-18.