Getting to Know the Key to Health, Happiness & Harmony at Home

Getting to Know the Key to Health Cover Photo

With the aim of understanding health, happiness and harmony (the “3Hs”) of individuals and the households and neighbourhoods in which they live, the FAMILY Cohort completed seven rounds of survey which were collaboratively conducted by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust and the School of Public Health of The University of Hong Kong to understand domains in physical and mental health, lifestyle behaviors, happiness and family harmony, and neighborhood relationships.

More than 200,000 interviews were conducted in the prospective study over a period of 6 years. Data have been analysed and used as references for policy-makers to formulate and advance policies and community programmes.

Click HERE to get to know how a typical household interview goes and what kind of questions have been asked.

For more details about the study, please visit FAMILY Cohort’s website at
